Embarking on the journey to become a donor with the Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) is a profound expression of faith and commitment to philanthropy. This path involves a deep connection with your Catholic values and the desire to make a meaningful impact in the community. To guide you through this journey, CCF has established a five-stage process.

Stage 1: Discern Your Catholic Calling

The journey begins with self-reflection and discernment. This stage is about understanding your call to give as part of living your Catholic faith. It involves prayer, contemplation, and seeking spiritual guidance to align your financial resources with your religious values. Consider how your support can extend Christ’s teachings and love to those in need.

Stage 2: Select Your Philanthropic Approach

Having discerned your calling, the next step is to decide on your approach to giving. CCF offers various pathways, whether it be one-time donations, creating endowments, or contributing to existing funds. This stage helps you align your philanthropic goals with the impact you wish to achieve.

Stage 3: Connect with Our Catholic Community

This stage is about more than financial contributions; it’s about engaging with a community that shares your values. You’re encouraged to connect with other Catholic donors, participate in events, and learn about the programs CCF supports. It’s an opportunity to witness the collective impact of shared generosity.

Stage 4: Craft Your Catholic Giving Plan

Now, with a solid understanding of your goals and the CCF community, you’re ready to craft your giving plan. CCF offers several services to assist in this process:

  • Endowments: Create a lasting legacy with a fund that provides perpetual support to the causes you care about. Alternatively, you might give to an existing CCF endowment fund.
  • Donor Advised Funds: Enjoy flexibility and convenience in managing your giving with a personalized fund.
  • Investment Agency Funds: Invest in a fund managed by CCF, benefitting from their expertise while supporting Catholic missions.

With these options, CCF advisors can help structure your donations for maximum impact, tax efficiency, and alignment with your long-term charitable objectives.

Stage 5: Witness Your Catholic Impact

The final stage allows you to see the impact of your generosity. You will receive updates on how your contributions make a difference, have opportunities to visit project sites, and witness the tangible outcomes of your giving. It’s a time to reflect on how your faith-driven generosity transforms lives and strengthens the Catholic community.


Joining CCF as a donor is a journey that combines faith, philanthropy, and community. Each stage is designed to deepen your connection to your Catholic values and enhance the impact of your generosity. We invite you to start this rewarding journey and join us in our mission of serving the community through faith-based giving.